What’s in your green smoothie? 5 reasons drinking a green smoothie every day for breakfast can enhance your life!

In order to have our health, we need to ensure that we are taking the right steps to take care of our bodies. This includes, but is not limited to a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. A healthy diet is key to maintaining your wellbeing and it all starts with breakfast…or does it? You will hear from people that breakfast is the most important part of your day. And you will hear others say that it just leads to unhealthy eating habits and starts your day off with bad fuel. Well the latter can be true if you are fueling yourself with sugar filled cereals or carb loaded bengals. But what if we fueled ourselves with something that could help us through our day? What if we began the day with fuel so good for our bodies that it helped us focus, burn fat and give us the energy that we needed in order to have a productive day? I think everyone would sign up for that if you asked them. Have you ever heard of a green smoothie? I’m sure you have seen them, and some of you have probably even tried one before. At first glance some of them don’t look very appetizing. I know the first time I tried one I was skeptical. But if you give them a try they can do a lot for you as you begin your day. I have put together a list of 5 reasons that drinking a green smoothie every day for breakfast can help enhance your life.

What is a green smoothie? Well, the name comes from it’s color of course. And what makes up this color you might ask? The green color comes from the vegetables and fruits that are added to it. A simple green smoothie is made up of green leafy vegetables, nutrient rich fruits with a liquid base.

5 ways drinking a green smoothie in the morning can enhance your life

With the benefits of broccoli, spinach, kale and many other leafy greens, combined with fruits green smoothies in the morning can help in a variety of ways. Here a just a few…

Rejuvenates your body

Most of the ingredients that are included in green smoothies are loaded with a substance called chlorophyll. This has very powerful antioxidant properties. This, in turn, can prevent anemia, help treat insomnia, assist in dental problems and the best part is that it helps lower your risk of infections. Those cold and flu symptoms you see your friends and family members getting will be a recent memory!

Naturally promotes weight loss

Not only are you getting the antioxidants that you need for your overall health, you are also getting the vitamins and minerals in these fruits and veggies that will curb your hunger. Abel James “ The Fat Burning Man” is quoted saying that in order to burn fat you have to eat fat. If you start your day off with fat you are telling your body this is the first thing you should burn as fuel. Good fats include Avocados, Walnuts, nut and seed butters, olives, ground flax seed, coconut oils and grass fed butter. These are just a few of the fats you can include in your smoothie.

Increases your daily fruit and vegetable intake

We all seem to lead very busy lives these days and when we get that craving to grab a snack we tend to eat the unhealthy ones forgetting the importance of fruits and veggies. When you start your day with a green smoothie you are already ahead of the game with your fruits and veggies. It is suggested that you eat 3 cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruit per day. Green smoothies are usually high in both of these and in turn you will not have to worry about getting all of those into your diet.

Improves Hydration

To keep your body hydrated you should drink half of your body weight in ounces per day! That’s a lot of water right? But, don’t you think that since your body is already made up of water it would crave it anyway? It does after you start to consistently do this. By adding a little more water to your smoothie in the morning it will help you reach that goal of ounces per day.

Improves digestion

Many individuals are affected by some sort of digestive disorder. Unhealthy and inactive lifestyles are just a few things that cause this. Green smoothies are filled with fiber, and in turn is a great substance to help improve digestion. Some individuals even say that this aides in relief of the symptoms caused by common digestive disorders.

I drink a green smoothie every day for breakfast. It’s quick and easy and I have come to not be able to live without it. Here is my simple recipe:

1 healthy handful of spinach

1 scoop of vanilla whey protein

A splash of cinnamon

A ¼ cup of frozen mixed berries

1 avocado

Add ice and 6 oz of water, could be more depending what you are using to blend it in. I use a magic bullet so the cups provided are filled to the brim. Blend till smooth and enjoy!

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